时 间:2010年10月 11 日(周一) 下午3:30
地 点:旧主楼513
主讲人:Bruce E. White
报告题目: Energy Harvesting Electron Devices
Bruce E. White博士,1995-2007在摩托罗拉从事半导体产品研究工作,2007年至今在美国纽约州立大学宾汉姆顿分校物理与材料系任帝国创新副教授,研究生教学主任。长期从事半导体材料及器件的研究和开发工作,在半导体制备技术、载流子传输机制研究及半导体电子器件的开发方面具有很高的水平,目前致力于新型能源利用电子器件的研究工作。先后组织各类国内、国际会议十余次,在nature nanotechnology 等刊物上发表多篇高水平学术论文,曾获摩托摩拉杰出创新者等多项奖励。
The supply of energy is one of the great social challenges of the twenty first century, both at the global level, where alternatives to fossil fuels are needed, and also at the local level, where batteries often supply energy. Given the tremendous advances in information processing technology provided by the shrinking transistor, it is natural to explore electron device based energy generation and scavenging as a means for addressing these issues. A tremendous amount of energy manifests itself in the environment as waste heat and electron devices in the form of thermoelectrics provide a natural means of scavenging this waste energy. In this presentation, we will discuss the opportunities for manipulating phonon scattering in thermoelectric nanostructures to produce highly efficient thermoelectric materials.