Time: 15:00, September 17th, 2012
Place: Room 513, Old Main Building, SPNEE
My presentation will give a review of the educational system in Sweden and Europe starting from pre-school activities and ending at the doctoral level. Focus will be on the structure at academic level with special emphasis on Master´s programs.Chalmers University of Technology offers 40 Master´s programs of which mydepartment is responsible for Physics and Astronomy. The aim of the program is to bring understanding of the basic laws of physics which have posed a challenge since the birth of modern science. Trying to probe the smallest structures of matter and the largest structures of the Universe drives the development of new technologies After completing a Master´s examination the students are able to construct mathematical models and/or design and conduct experiments in physics and astronomy as well as in applied science and engineering. Chalmers has approximately 3,000 Master’s students; almost half of them come from countries other than Sweden.
Choosing the Master´s program “Physics and Astronomy” might be the stepping stone in a carrier to pave the road for revealing the challenging questions we need to answer in order to satisfy our curiosity about Nature.
Professor Göran H. Nyman obtained his Ph.D. degree from Univ. of Gothenburg in 1974, and has worked in GSI and CERN for many years before becoming a full professor at Chalmers University of Technology. During his academic career, he has served in many committees and has been awarded a number of prizes, including the GSI Exotic Nuclei Community Membership award and Chalmers pedagogical Prize. He is anexperimental physicist working on subatomic physics and has published more than 180 articles.