Nuclear andParticle Physics Colloquium
86 (核与粒子物理学术报告会86)
Place: C826, Shahe Campus, Beihang University
Time: 14:00-16:00, October22nd, 2019
Title: Baryon as a quantum Hall droplet and the quark-hadronduality
Speaker: Prof. Yong-Liang Ma
We show that the recentproposal to describe the $N_f=1$ baryon in the large number of colorlimit as a quantum Hall droplet, can be understood as a chiral bag in a 1+2dimensional strip using the Cheshire cat principle. For a small bag radius, thebag reduces to a vortex line which is the smile of the cat with flowing gaplessquarks all spinning in the same direction. The disc enclosed by the smile isdescribed by a topological field theory due to the Callan-Harvey anomalyout-flow. The chiral bag carries naturally unit baryon number and spin $\frac12 N_c$. The generalization to arbitrary $N_f$ is discussed.
About the speaker:
Yong-LiangMa is a Professor of Physics at Jilin University who studies TheoreticalNuclear Physics. He works on the effective field theory, hadron structure anddense nuclear matter relevant to compact stars.