一、 适用学科及培养方向
1.Applicable discipline and Research orientation
Theoretical Physics(070201)
Particle Physics and Nuclear Physics(070202)
Plasma Physics(070204)
Condensed Matter Physics(070205)
Radio Physics(070208)
Medical Physics(0702Z1)
二、 培养目标
2.Program Objective
1.Know more about Chinese culture and fundamentalrealities of the country. Respecting China's political position. RespectChina's social morality and customs, obey the law, behave well, be honest andtrustworthy, be healthy, have good research ethics and professionalism.
2.Through curriculum learning and scientific research,master a solid and broad basic theory and systematic in-depth expertise inphysical domain, have a comprehensive understanding of the current situationand development trend of this discipline, have international vision andcompetitiveness. Have the ability to engage in scientific research in Subjectand Interdiscipline independently and creatively,achieve creativeachievements in science and expertise. The ability to use daily language and toread Chinese language materials.
3. After graduation, have the ability to engage in teaching,scientific research or technological development in universities, scientificresearch institutions or high-tech enterprise.
三、 培养模式及学习年限
3.Training Mode and Study Period
1.In general,the study period of International Doctor's Degreecandidates is 4 years. Those who have studied in China for a total of 4 yearsmust apply for an extension of their study period. The maximum length of studyis 7 years.
2.The total months that international studentsspend on course study and scientific research in BUAA campus should, inprinciple, amount to no less than half of the whole studying years.
3.The training language for internationalstudent is English or Chinese. The thesis can be written in English but aChinese version of the abstract should be provided. Either Chinese or Englishcan be used in the thesis defense. Those including the approval materials andfinal decision for thesis defense must be written in Chinese and be kept onfile. If necessary, an English version can be attached.
4.No changing in major or tutor ispermitted after three months since the registration unless there is a specialreason.
5.The international student studying in Chinaimplements the credit system,adopt a combination of course study and thesis .Thetutor shall bear the responsibility for training ,or a guidance group headed bytutors can be established .The tutor(group) should be responsible for makingthe training plan of international students, guidance of theirthesis/dissertation proposals, scientific research and their thesis/dissertationwriting.
4. Knowledge ability structure and credit requirements
The knowledge ability structure is mainlyreflected in the training objectives of the Doctor's degree professionalliteracy, practical ability literacy, innovative consciousness literacy,academic ethics and scientific and technological ethics. The training programfor the postgraduate study of BUAA in China includes two parts, the degree courseand the comprehensive practice. The credit requirements for each trainingsession of the Doctor's degree in this subject are shown in the attached table.
5.Training Procedures and Basic Requirements
1.Personal study plan
Personal study plan includes course studyplans, practical training programs, and thesis research programs. The coursestudy plan and practical training plan shall be formulated within 2 weeks afterentrance, and the thesis research plan shall be described in detail in theopening report. After the personal study plan has been confirmed, it must notbe changed at will.
2.Degree courses and credit requirements
The Degree courses system of doctor'sdegree students studying in China includes basic and subject theory courses,professional theory courses and academic literacy courses. The composition ofeach course group and the credit requirements are listed in the attached table. For the students who have obtained a master's degree in BUAA, ifthe degree compulsory course has been completed and earned credits during themaster's degree, can offset the credits of degree compulsory course.
The international Doctor’s Degreecandidates should take part in the academic activities at least 10 times andare required to present academic report at least once during their study periodin Beihang University. The international Doctoral Degree students are requiredto finish the appraisal Form for Participation in Academic Activities andthe Appraisal Form for Academic Presentation before their application forthesis review and thesis defense.
6.Thesis and related work
This is to train the graduate students inChina to find, analyze and solve problems through the comprehensive applicationof their knowledge, to cultivate their academic literacy, to standardize theiracademic ethics, to enhance their ability to acquire knowledge, to condensescientific problems, to innovate their thinking and to undertake scientificresearch independently.
1. 开题报告
1.Opening Report
After a period of research work, thestudents must make an opening report. The College organizes a team to reviewthe report, and you can start the thesis after pass the review. Otherwise, theopening report needs to be revised, and those who have not passed will beterminated. The opening report should be completed before the end of the thirdsemester.
2. 学位论文中期检查
The purpose of the mid-term assessment ofdoctoral thesis is to pay attention to the progress of the thesis and givetimely guidance. The mid-term assessment for doctoral students studying inChina are generally not organized separately, organized by the tutorsthemselves, and should be completed in accordance with the time required by thecollege. The interval between the completion of the mid-term assessment and theapplication for the thesis review by a Ph.D. student studying in China is notless than 6 months. Those who do not meet the requirements in the mid-terminspection should be given a warning and should be supervised in the laterstage or in the thesis defense.
3. 学位论文答辩
3.DegreeThesis Defense
At least 50 days should be offered for theinternational Doctor’s Degree candidates.
After completing the thesis, the studentcan apply for final defense with the consent of the tutor. The Degree thesisdefense includes the fulfillment of the thesis qualification approval, academicmisconduct literature check, thesis review, and degree thesis oral defense, etc.
Graduation certificate shall be issued byInternational School after the student passes the degree thesis defense. Degreecertificate shall be issued to student after the approval of Beihang AcademicDegree Evaluation Committee.
The requirements of publications for international Doctoral Degreecandidates are described in the Regulations of Beihang University Forinternational Doctoral Degree Candidates on Publishing Academic Papers prior toApplication for Review of Dissertation and Oral Defense.
7. Shunt and Termination of Study
Regulations on Training and Management of International PostgraduatesFormulated by Graduate School of Beihang University.
Annexed table:Physics--Course and CreditRequirements for PhDs for International Students
课程性质Courses Type |
课程 代码Code |
课程名称Courses |
学时Class hours |
学分Credits |
学分要求Credit Requirement |
思想政治理论课 |
--- |
--- |
--- |
--- |
--- |
思想政治理论课程组 |
--- |
基础及学科理论核心课 Basic and subject theory core course |
19112301 |
高等量子力学 Advanced Quantum Mechanics |
64 |
4 |
≥0 |
19112302 |
群论 Group Theory |
64 |
4 |
19112303 |
高等统计物理 Advanced Statistical Physics |
64 |
4 |
19112304 |
高等电动力学 Advanced Electrodynamics |
64 |
4 |
19112305 |
量子场论 Quantum Field Theory |
64 |
4 |
≥0 |
19112306 |
固体理论 Solid State Theory |
64 |
4 |
19112307 |
量子光学 Quantum Optics |
64 |
4 |
19112308 |
等离子体理论 Plasma Theory |
64 |
4 |
19112309 |
计算物理 Computational Physics |
64 |
4 |
19112310 |
粒子物理与原子核物理探测与分析 Detection and Analysis of Particle Physics and Atomic Nuclear Physics |
64 |
4 |
基础及学科理论课程组Basic and subject theory core course |
≥0 |
专业理论核心课 Major theoretical core course |
30113104 |
广义相对论 General Relativity |
32 |
2 |
≥0 |
19113110 |
当代临床放疗物理学 Physics of Contemporary Clinical Radiotherapy |
48 |
3 |
19113111 |
肿瘤放疗物理学 Radiation Oncology Physics |
51 |
3 |
19113112 |
医学影像物理学 Physics of Medical Imaging |
32 |
2 |
19113102 |
量子多体理论 Quantum Many Body Theory |
64 |
4 |
19113103 |
凝聚态物理导论 Introduction to Condensed Matter Physics |
64 |
4 |
19113104 |
介观物理 Mesoscopic Physics |
64 |
4 |
19113105 |
高等光学 Advanced Optics |
64 |
4 |
19113106 |
非线性光学 Nonlinear Optics |
64 |
4 |
19113107 |
等离子体实验与诊断 Plasma Experiment and Diagnosis |
64 |
4 |
19113108 |
粒子物理基础 The Basis of Particle Physics |
64 |
4 |
19113109 |
原子核理论 Nuclear Theory |
64 |
4 |
专业理论课程组 Major theoretical core course |
≥0 |
基础及学科理论课及专业课程组 Basic and subject theory courses and Major course groups |
≥6 |
学术素养课 Academic literacy class |
25314101 |
汉语(1) Chinese-Level 1 |
60 |
2 |
≥3 |
25314102 |
汉语(2) Chinese-Level 2 |
60 |
1 |
25314103 |
中国概况 Introduction to China |
18 |
1 |
1 |
19114301 |
科学写作与报告 Scientific Writing and Report |
16 |
1 |
1 |
学术素养课程组Academic literacy class |
≥4 |
跨学科课 |
跨学科课程组 |
≥0 |
综合实践环节及学分要求 Comprehensive practice and credit requirements |
25317102 |
学术报告(留博) Academic Activities |
0 |
1 |
1 |
25317101 |
开题答辩(留博) Literature Survey and Thesis Proposal Report |
0 |
1 |
1 |
25317104 |
中期检查(留博) Midterm Assessment |
0 |
1 |
1 |
综合实践环节Comprehensive practice |
≥3 |
学位理论课及综合实践环节合计Degree course and Comprehensive practice |
≥18 |
申请答辩学分要求 credit requirements for apply defense |
需同时满足以上各课程组学分小计、总学分及研究学分要求 Must meet the credit requirements of the above courses |