LishengGeng:Professor of Physics
2001-2007,School of Physics, Beijing University, China
2002-2005,Research Center for Nuclear Physics, Osaka University, Japan
1997-2001,School of Physical Science and Technology, Lanzhou University, China
Research Experience:
October 2011–now, Schoolof Physics, BeihangUniversity, Beijing, China.
March 2010–September 2011, Institutfür Theoretische Physik T39, Physik-Departmentder TUMünchen, München, Germany.
April 2006 -October 2009, IFIC, Valencia University, Valencia, Spain
August 2005 - March 2006,Institute of Theoretical Physics, Beijing, China
Honorsand awards
2018-2020, ChangjiangYouth Scholars, Ministry of Education of China
2016-2018,ExcellentYoung Scientists Fund, National Science Foundation of China
2016, The sixth“Hu Jimin”education research award, Chinese Nuclear Physics Society
2009-2011, Humboldtfellowship
2002-2005,Japanese Government (Monbukagakusho: MEXT) Scholarship
Research Interests:
Applicationsof EFTs in various physical systems
Exotichadrons, hadron-hardon interactions, and flavor physics
Medical andbio- physics
Publication lists: